Context Calculus: T...

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Context Calculus: Through the Looking Glass Agile Software Development


Context Calculus: Through the Looking Glass Agile Software Development

Author: Year Of Pub : 2014
Product ID: 0384568o

The computer acts like a looking glass since it can reflect the world external to it. Whatever we program into the computer, it is a reflection of something in this external world. To the extent that we approach the computer like a looking glass we will be able to create more usable software.

This section defines ``Through the Looking Glass`` as a way to approach the parallel world of the computer. The goal is to describe the computer and its applications as a parallel world where ``Through the Looking Glass`` is an advantageous approach. Such an approach emphasizes the need for greater visibility of project processes.

In the book ``Through the Looking Glass`` Lewis Carroll is expressing fantasy but also he is picturing how to view parallel worlds. To some extent all literature is a parallel world. My father insisted that Lewis Carroll was referring to nuclear physics when he wrote the book. So, it was some kind of prophesy of the future. If you see the book as a study of parallel worlds then it could refer to nuclear physics as well as to the world of computer systems.

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