Experimental Cell a...

call of duty

Experimental Cell and Mode


Experimental Cell and Mode

Author: Year Of Pub : 2006
Product ID: 38367o

This laboratory manual has been specifically designed to integrate undergraduate students as fully as possible into the modern practices of cell biology. While not always feasible because of finances, availability, etc., undergraduates should be exposed to and actually allowed to use the equipment much in evidence in a modern cell biology research laboratory. Cell biology is a young and rapidly expanding science. A proper presentation of the field leaves educators little choice but to open up the door of the field leaves educators little choice but to open up the door of the research laboratory and to let in the undergraduate student. This handbook is not intended to cover the entire field of cell biology. A brief introduction precedes each exercise, but it is expected that a text book and/or lecturer will introduce the basic principles needed to understand the rationales of a particular project. The manual is designed to create a choice of projects for the student and instructor. For example, cell fractionation is often the first step in a project. Many options are possible for appropriate analysis. It is hoped that the instructor and students will discuss and explore experimental alternatives for each exercise.

Table of Contents :
# Introduction to Data Gathering and Analysis Using Simple Membrane Permeability and Enzyme Kinetics Data as Experimental Models # Liposome Formation as a Model for Cell Evolution # Observations and Exercises Concerning the Use and Care of Light Microscopes # Light Microscope Observation of Cell Structure Using Specific Staining Techniques # Growth Kinetics in Yeast Cell Cultures # pH and Buffers # Spectrophtometry # Introduction to the Quantitative Assay of Enzymatic Activity: Triose Phosphate Isomerase # The Kinetic Characterization of Alcohol Dehydrogenase # Rat Liver Fractionation by Differential Centrifugation # Analysis of Mitochondrial Succinate Dehydrogenase # Isolation of Castor Bean Endosperm Organelles Using Density Gradient Centrifugation # Assay of Lecithin Synthesis by Cholinephosphotransferase # Determination of Molecular Weight Using # Separation of Proteins Using Gel Filtration Chromatography * Investigation of Transcription in Isolated Rat Liver * Light-Driven Proton Pumping in Spinach * Translation in Pea Chloroplasts * Restriction Endonuclease Analysis of Nuclear * Immunocytochemical Analysis of the Cytoskeleton of Cultured Animal Cells

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